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Current Meditations Hosted by Dustin Johnston.

Current Locations:

 - Fuller Yoga 2450 Main St Glastonbury, CT., USA, 860-430-9642


Future Location

 - Superkids Academy, 269 South Quaker Lane, West Hartford, CT., USA. 860-233-3000


Past Locations (Future T.B.A.):

 - Victorian Day Spa, 356 Park Rd., West Hartford, CT. 860-232-6782

 - 12 Armit Cr., Fort McMurray Alberta. 204-583-1181

 - Higher Health Yoga #14 36 Riedel St. Fort Mcmurray, Alberta, CAN., 780-743-0566 

 - Fort McMurray Yoga Teacher Training, Jasper, Alberta, CAN., 780-972-0672.

 - In Balance Nelson Yoga Teacher Training, Nelson, British Columbia, CAN., 780-972-0672.

Nadabrahma Meditation

It includes humming and witnessing stages, followed by flowing circular hand movements and a stage of stillness.


Dynamic Meditation

An energizing morning meditation that opens breathing, body, and inner energies, followed by witnessing and dancing.​

Chakra Sound Meditation

Uses vocal sounds made by the meditator along with music to open and harmonize the chakras while bringing awareness to them. The meditation can bring you into deep, peaceful, inner silence.

Chakra Breathing Meditation

This meditation can help you to become aware of and experience each of the seven chakras. This meditation is active and uses deep rapid breathing and body movement, accompanied by musical sounds to open and bring awareness and vitality to the chakras.


Mandala Meditation

A powerful, cathartic technique that creates a circle of energy for natural centering.

Kundalini Meditation

Includes loosening the body, dancing, witnessing and resting stages.

Whiring Meditation

An ancient Sufi technique. While the whole body is moving you can witness your center being silent and still. 'Just whirl like children do.

Nataraj Meditation

Just dancing, and the dance becomes important, not the dancer. The dancer has to lose himself completely in dancing.


No Dimension Meditation

Originating from Gurdjieffian movements, is a centering dance as well as a good preparation for whirling.

Gourishankar Meditation

If the breathing is done correctly in the first stage, the carbon dioxide formed in the bloodstream will make you feel as high as Gourishankar - the Tibetan name for the Mount Everest.

Devavani Meditation

They call it ‘talking in tongues.' And it is a wonderful method, one of the most deep and penetrating into the unconscious. You start with ‘la, la, la’, and then you can go on with anything that comes.

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